Live a Life of Success & Significance

Grow your business and level up your life with authentic relationships & impactful accountability like you've never experienced before through Masterminds, Coaching, & Events

Live a Life of Success & Significance

Grow your business and up level your life with authentic relationships & impactful accountability like you've never experienced before through Masterminds, Coaching, & Events


Years Running Strong


Members &


Seasoned Professional Facilitators

3+ Years Running Strong

50+ Members & Alumn

5+ Seasoned Professional Facilitators

Do you find yourself...

  • Feeling stuck, seeking effective business growth strategies?

  • Stranded at the helm of the leadership ladder?

  • Realizing there's more to learn than you know?

  • Craving authentic relationships with like-minded peers?

  • Yearning for a supportive squad to celebrate your victories with?

  • Searching for a community to learn from and contribute to?

Go Boldly Mastermind

Purpose Driven, life-aligned businessmen, husbands, and fathers... banded together as squad, striving toward success and significance!

Go Boldly Mastermind Has The Answer...

Go Boldly Mastermind Will Help You...

Find Your Squad

You don’t know what you don’t know … the right guys in your corner, challenging you, encouraging you, celebrating you. Helping you uncover options, execute faster, and multiplying your efforts.

The uncharted remains concealed until you have the perfect squad by your side – those who inspire, uplift, and celebrate your victories. They will assist in revealing unexplored opportunities, accelerating your actions, and amplifying your impact.

Set Your Course

Uncover and shape the future of your dreams, utilizing our essential tools that transform your journey into one of significance. Unlike solely business-focused groups, we recognize the value of nurturing the complete individual—personally, spiritually, relationally, professionally, and financially.

Find Success & Significance

Harness the power of your weekly group calls, delve deep with having a man in the middle each week, explore monthly focus topics, track your progress through our quarterly scorecards, and participate in our bi-annual live events. Leveraging the entire Go Boldly member network, you'll propel yourself into the life you've yearned for. Your dreams are within reach.

Go Boldly Mastermind

A Community of Purpose-Driven, Life-Aligned Individuals Committed to Thriving in Every Role. Together, forge success with significance! 

Frequently Asked Question

What is a mastermind group?

This is a community of determined individuals with clear purpose, unwavering goals, a bias for action, entrepreneurial spirit, and a strong foundation of faith. We plunge into profound discussions, deliver candid feedback, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder in support. Think of it as your close-knit squad or trusted tribe, dedicated to unveiling your potential and driving substantial growth. It's like having instant access to seasoned mentors, your reliable "2 am friends." A Go Boldly Mastermind group liberates you from isolation and provides the unwavering accountability essential for elevating your life. Guaranteed!

Who can join the Go Boldly Mastermind?

Men ranging from entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and aspiring startups, on the path of inception, catch-up, or expansion. Many of them hold a strong faith, are married with families, and are determined to break free from stagnation and isolation. They yearn for substantial, actionable accountability, authentic relationships, and the revelation that there's always more to learn than they realize.

What areas of life will Go Boldly Mastermind benefit me?

At Go Boldly, our purpose is to empower everyday individuals to transcend the ordinary and discover unparalleled success and significance in their personal, professional, relational, spiritual, and financial journeys.

Is there a long term commitment?

Once you make the commitment to join Go Boldly Mastermind, we encourage you to dedicate a minimum of 6 months to this transformative journey. Why 6 months? Well, experience has shown that it's around this mark when members truly hit their stride and begin to fully grasp the invaluable connections within their individual groups and the broader Go Boldly network. Building trust and nurturing those meaningful '2 am' relationships naturally takes time.

During these transformative 6 months

You will be an active participant in the weekly calls with your fellow Go Boldly brothers and have the opportunity to attend at least one live event, uniting you with the entire Go Boldly brotherhood. You'll partake in enlightening goal-setting sessions, engage in expert interviews, deep-dive into your objectives, take part in focus group discussions, and, most importantly, be held accountable for your goals.

What can I expect during weekly meetings?

Our scheduled one-hour weekly virtual/video calls adhere to a well-established structure designed to commemorate achievements, address obstacles, and foster mutual support. These sessions also feature a rotating "Man in the Middle,". This dedicated time offers members an opportunity to delve deep into an individual's goal, challenge, or any topic of their choosing, encouraging insightful discussions and meaningful exchanges.

What is expected of me as a member?

We hold a high standard for every Go Boldly mastermind member. We look for individuals with a generous spirit, a commitment to personal growth, entrepreneurial ambitions, a willingness to actively participate in weekly calls, the courage to be transparent and vulnerable within the brotherhood, and the determination to be accountable to themselves and others.

Who will lead my group?

Within each group, a skilled and experienced facilitator, well-versed in both life and business, takes on the responsibility of guaranteeing that every member derives the promised value, actively contributes, and engages in calls and events.

How many men are in the mastermind group?

Your individual group will have up 8-10 men that you meet with weekly. Through the directory, online events, and live events you also have access to all the members in other groups to grow your network and opportunities.

Which group will I join?

Selecting your group depends on various factors, including the availability of open slots in existing groups, the launch of new groups, and your own schedule and availability. Each group encompasses a diverse array of skills and expertise among individual members, spanning from seasoned business owners to dedicated professionals and enterprising bootstrapped startups. Following a successful interview, you will receive a list of currently available groups for you to choose from.

How long will it take to get started?

After submitting your application, you'll have the opportunity to schedule a 40-minute interview at your convenience. If the interview aligns with both your expectations and ours, you'll then proceed to choose an available group, establish your payment arrangement, gain access to our comprehensive "Getting Started" resources, and be introduced to your group facilitator and fellow members. Your weekly meetings will commence in the first week of the month.

With guidance from your "Getting Started" mentor and newfound brotherhood

You will receive an in-depth introduction to how Go Boldly operates. You'll also gain insights into the tools and resources at your disposal. Brace yourself for a journey of transformation!

What if I have more questions?

If you are still needing more questions answered about whether or not Go Boldly Mastermind is right for you, the best way to get those questions answered is to click the Apply Now button to set up a no obligation interview with one of our team members.

Go Boldly Mastermind

A Community of Purpose-Driven, Life-Aligned Individuals Committed to Thriving in Every Role. Together, forge success with significance! 

Frequently Asked Question

What is a mastermind group?

This is a community of determined individuals with clear purpose, unwavering goals, a bias for action, entrepreneurial spirit, and a strong foundation of faith. We plunge into profound discussions, deliver candid feedback, and stand shoulder-to-shoulder in support. Think of it as your close-knit squad or trusted tribe, dedicated to unveiling your potential and driving substantial growth. It's like having instant access to seasoned mentors, your reliable "2 am friends." A Go Boldly Mastermind group liberates you from isolation and provides the unwavering accountability essential for elevating your life. Guaranteed!

Who can join the Go Boldly Mastermind?

Men ranging from entrepreneurs, business owners, executives, and aspiring startups, on the path of inception, catch-up, or expansion. Many of them hold a strong faith, are married with families, and are determined to break free from stagnation and isolation. They yearn for substantial, actionable accountability, authentic relationships, and the revelation that there's always more to learn than they realize.

What areas of life will Go Boldly Mastermind benefit me?

At Go Boldly, our purpose is to empower everyday individuals to transcend the ordinary and discover unparalleled success and significance in their personal, professional, relational, spiritual, and financial journeys.

Is there a long term commitment?

Once you make the commitment to join Go Boldly Mastermind, we encourage you to dedicate a minimum of 6 months to this transformative journey. Why 6 months? Well, experience has shown that it's around this mark when members truly hit their stride and begin to fully grasp the invaluable connections within their individual groups and the broader Go Boldly network. Building trust and nurturing those meaningful '2 am' relationships naturally takes time.

During these transformative 6 months

you'll be an active participant in a minimum of [insert number] weekly calls with your fellow Go Boldly brothers and have the opportunity to attend at least one live event, uniting you with the entire Go Boldly brotherhood. You'll partake in enlightening goal-setting sessions, engage in expert interviews, deep-dive into your objectives, take part in focus group discussions, and, most importantly, be held accountable for your goals.

What can I expect during weekly meetings?

Our scheduled one-hour weekly virtual/video calls adhere to a well-established structure designed to commemorate achievements, address obstacles, and foster mutual support. These sessions also feature a rotating "Man in the Middle,". This dedicated time offers members an opportunity to delve deep into an individual's goal, challenge, or any topic of their choosing, encouraging insightful discussions and meaningful exchanges.

What is expected of me as a member?

We hold a high standard for every Go Boldly mastermind member. We look for individuals with a generous spirit, a commitment to personal growth, entrepreneurial ambitions, a willingness to actively participate in weekly calls, the courage to be transparent and vulnerable within the brotherhood, and the determination to be accountable to themselves and others.

Who will lead my group?

Within each group, a skilled and experienced facilitator, well-versed in both life and business, takes on the responsibility of guaranteeing that every member derives the promised value, actively contributes, and engages in calls and events.

How many men are in the mastermind group?

Your individual group will have up 8-10 men that you meet with weekly. Through the directory, online events, and live events you also have access to all the members in other groups to grow your network and opportunities.

Which group will I join?

Selecting your group depends on various factors, including the availability of open slots in existing groups, the launch of new groups, and your own schedule and availability. Each group encompasses a diverse array of skills and expertise among individual members, spanning from seasoned business owners to dedicated professionals and enterprising bootstrapped startups. Following a successful interview, you will receive a list of currently available groups for you to choose from.

How long will it take to get started?

After submitting your application, you'll have the opportunity to schedule a 40-minute interview at your convenience. If the interview aligns with both your expectations and ours, you'll then proceed to choose an available group, establish your payment arrangement, gain access to our comprehensive "Getting Started" resources, and be introduced to your group facilitator and fellow members. Your weekly meetings will commence in the first week of the month.

With guidance from your "Getting Started" mentor and newfound brotherhood

you'll receive an in-depth introduction to how Go Boldly operates. You'll also gain insights into the tools and resources at your disposal. Brace yourself for a journey of transformation!

What if I have more questions?

If you are still needing more questions answered about whether or not Go Boldly Mastermind is right for you, the best way to get those questions answered is to click the Apply Now button to set up a no obligation interview with one of our team members.

"Together, we will forge an unbreakable bond and embark on a remarkable journey of personal growth and collective inspiration."

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Go Boldly Mastermind Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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Go Boldly Mastermind Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.